27kcloud = Managed Services Provider

Our business models grow with

Our business models grow with

In evolution, it is not necessarily the stronger candidate who has the advantage, but the one (or the type) who can adapt cleverly and skillfully to the changed environmental conditions. Cooperation is a remarkably successful strategy in a complex world.

If your digital adaptation process is still in its early stages, the 27k cloud is at your side as a development partner. We will work with you to design the digital strategy or digital business cases based on your established business and/or your internal processes. Digital value chains thrive on the clever combination of diverse data from a wide variety of sources and increasingly integrated services. These workflow-controlled, data-driven business models require the processing and evaluation of data volumes in the shortest possible time and offer useful options and actions for the user or customer in real time. We advise on the technology and deployment mix, on the implementation and dynamization of the corresponding company IT and offer a wide variety of cloud scenarios that enable efficient implementation of workflows and the optimal distribution of IT resources.


Further development/specialization - digital evolution
  • Digital Evolution – Digital Business Model Design, Evaluation
  • Digital Roadmap
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Orchestration of innovation team, knowledge transfer, digital process culture
  • Industry know-how: energy suppliers, public sector, mechanical engineering, IT
  • Digital value chain focus on customer relationships – digital added value in products and services

Seeing like bees

Bees can see astonishingly well. Scientists have now discovered how bees can recognize complicated things such as people’s faces. The methodology of bee vision could also be used for digital facial recognition at airports and public places in the future.
In contrast to the human visual system, bees have a trichromatic visual system with their compound eyes. Bees can also see ultraviolet rays. Visual acuity is lower than in humans.

Technical applications are often inspired by nature. One difficulty in facial recognition is recognition from changing viewing angles. Reliable recognition of individual people has so far been a major challenge, especially in large crowds of people – such as in airports.
The understanding of biological solution finding helps developers of practical applications to understand how nature masters such visual challenges. For the computer-controlled analysis of human faces, the focus is therefore also on bee vision and works with interpolation and grid matching. Small brains – like those of bees – can offer software developers easier reproducible solutions than more complex primate brains.


quote/source: Bio-Blütenpollen.de
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quote/source: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
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Our business models grow with

In evolution, it is not necessarily the stronger candidate who has the advantage, but the one (or the type) who can adapt cleverly and skillfully to the changed environmental conditions. Cooperation is a remarkably successful strategy in a complex world.

The 27k cloud is available as your managed services provider and offers you special services and innovative tools. This makes it possible to make your business IT a driver for growth and success. For a modern IT landscape, it is essential to adapt to the latest developments and standards – not least in the area of ​​security.

We advise on the technology and deployment mix according to your business requirements. We offer specialist knowledge in evaluating the range of solutions. We will work with you to create dynamic and secure corporate IT. We provide a wide variety of cloud scenarios that enable efficient management of workflows and the optimal distribution of IT resources. With managed services, your IT resources can be planned, while at the same time your company remains flexible if you want to discover and pursue new growth paths for your business.


Services 27kcloud - Knowledge Platform and Collaboration Management
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • Planability of IT resources while maintaining flexibility
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Orchestration of innovation team, knowledge transfer, digital process culture
  • Industry know-how: energy suppliers, public sector, mechanical engineering, IT
Services 27kcloud - Managed Services
  • Check cloud readiness of the IT infrastructure
  • Design & proof of concept: Mix from on-premises to SaaS to multi-cloud
  • Realization of specific cloud scenarios
  • Management of the multi-cloud infrastructure, capacity management, monitoring
  • Technical availability, connectivity
  • Application and data migration, API management, integrative services (SaaS, MaaS, …)
Services 27kcloud - Information Security Management System
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • Planability of IT resources while maintaining flexibility
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Orchestration of innovation team, knowledge transfer, digital process culture
  • Industry know-how: energy suppliers, public sector, mechanical engineering, IT
Services 27kcloud - IT Compliance ISO/IEC 27001
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • Planability of IT resources while maintaining flexibility
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Orchestration of innovation team, knowledge transfer, digital process culture
  • Industry know-how: energy suppliers, public sector, mechanical engineering, IT
Services 27kcloud - Work Safety Management
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • Planability of IT resources while maintaining flexibility
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Orchestration of innovation team, knowledge transfer, digital process culture
  • Industry know-how: energy suppliers, public sector, mechanical engineering, IT
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