Digital evolution – digital transformation
Quality Management System
Quality Management via Hybrid Cloud
Companies that are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and wish to maintain their certificate must convert their QM systems to the new standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 by September 2018.
- (Re)-certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
- Evaluation of the cloud structure, hybrid cloud, on-premises cloud if required
- Provision of integration platform and SaaS quality management
- Gap analysis and company-internal knowledge database
- Description of QM processes, continuous improvement
- Rights management
- Workflows for test routines and extended requirements of recertification – conversion to the requirements of DIN EN ISO
- 9001:2015
- Document management, qualified tests, approvals
- Reporting and documentation of key performance indicators
- Information and training of employees
- Documentation and information of the certification body
- Know-how transfer Digital Value Chain
Options - digital evolution
- on-premise applications, private cloud if required
- Checking the IT security concept
- Monitoring, incident management
- Optimization of the cloud application in operation, optimization of cloud capacity
Evolution vs. Disruption
27k cloud specializes in transforming your established business model or, to start with, selected company-specific processes into the digital world. Even if you often hear and read about absolutely disruptive changes: What is crucial is not a high-energy volcanic eruption, but that a medium-sized company that has grown successfully to date sets out to initiate and actively manage digital change processes.
27k cloud acts as an initiator of digital ideas and works with your team on the variants of digital evolution. We consider and evaluate both the effectiveness and the efficiency of each variant. Diversity in the overall consideration of the actors, adaptability and specialization are essential markers of the ability to survive in a rapidly changing digitalized world.
For the necessary speed of adaptation – adapt or die – we offer preconfigured acceleration processes that conserve your organization’s IT resources and thus keep them flexibly available for other interesting business options.