Work Safety Guidelines – effective and secure processes

occupational safety

Digital Value Creation as a Survival Principle

In evolution, it is not necessarily the stronger candidate who has the advantage, but the one (or the type) who can adapt cleverly and skillfully to the changed environmental conditions. Cooperation is a remarkably successful strategy in a complex world.

If your digital adaptation process is still in its early stages, the 27k cloud is at your side as a development partner. We will work with you to design the digital strategy or digital business cases based on your established business and/or your internal processes. Digital value chains thrive on the clever combination of diverse data from a wide variety of sources and increasingly integrated services. These workflow-controlled, data-driven business models require the processing and evaluation of data volumes in the shortest possible time and offer useful options and actions for the user or customer in real time. We advise on the technology and deployment mix, on the implementation and dynamization of the corresponding company IT and offer a wide variety of cloud scenarios that enable efficient implementation of workflows and the optimal distribution of IT resources.


Competencies 27k cloud
  • Advice on developing your digital strategy, developing digital business cases
  • Consulting IT architecture and checking the cloud readiness of the infrastructure
  • Options for making IT resources more flexible, IT operating concept
  • Design of hybrid cloud concept: mix of on-premises and SaaS to multi-cloud landscapes, proof of concept
  • Digital value chains: transformation of business logic, process and service mapping, integration of digital features
  • Provision of the integration platform for specific cloud scenarios
  • Technical availability, connectivity: application and data migration, API management, integrative services (SaaS, MaaS, …)
  • Management of the multi-cloud infrastructure, capacity management, monitoring
  • Transfer of digital thinking, digital skills through project work and workshops
Further development/specialization - digital evolution
  • Digital Evolution – Digital Business Model Design, Evaluation
  • Digital Roadmap
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Orchestration of innovation team, knowledge transfer, digital process culture
  • Industry know-how: energy suppliers, public sector, mechanical engineering, IT
  • Digital value chain focus on customer relationships – digital added value in products and services

occupational, health and safety

In evolution, the candidate (or the type) who can skillfully adapt to the changed environmental conditions has the advantage – adaptation. Cooperation is a remarkably successful strategy in a complex world.

The 27k cloud is at your side as a development partner when it comes to mapping the requirements of the multifaceted Occupational Safety and Health Act as far as possible in digital processes. This enables both the implementation of currently valid regulations and the adaptation of future changes in the shortest possible time.

As an employer, you know that you are responsible for the basic occupational safety obligations of your employees in all areas of activity.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) regulates detailed requirements.

Quelle: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales/ Gesetze und Verordnungen

The measures must take into account the state of the art in technology, occupational medicine and hygiene, as well as other proven findings from occupational science.
In addition, the measures must be planned in such a way that technology, work organization, other working conditions, social relationships and environmental influences on the workplace are appropriately linked (§4 General Principles, 4.3 and 4.4).

Employees must be given appropriate instructions (§4 General Principles, 4.7)



Kompetenzen 27k cloud
  • Digital Value Chains: Transformation der Business-Logik, Prozess- und Service Mapping, Integration digitaler Features
  • Technical Availability, Connectivity: Anwendungs- und Datenmigration, API-Management, integrative Services (SaaS, MaaS, …)
  • Management der Multi-Cloud-Infrastruktur, Capacity Management, Monitoring
  • Transfer Digital Thinking, Digital Skills über Projektarbeit und Workshops
Further development/specialization - digital evolution
  • Optimization of the multi-cloud structure, cloud sourcing, license audits
  • IT security management, incident management, 24/7 support
  • Digital Evolution – Digital Business Model Design, Evaluation
  • Digital Roadmap
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