- 12.2024 Entity management 3.0
- 12.2024 Lifecycle management
- 12.2024 E Goverment, Healthcare, IT process management
- 11.2024 Risk management ISO31000
- 11.2024 Insights-en
- 10.2024 Waste to Energy, IT project management
- 08.2024 KPI Dashboard graphics
- 07.2024 NIS2 Transformation KRITIS
- 01.2024 Compliance portfolio added
- 08.2023 BPMN Transformation
- 04.2023 IT Governance Dashboards semantisch
- 03.2023 Technology transfer Philippines
- 05.2022 TSM NG (Technical Security Management)
- 03.2020 Multilingual Knowledge Management 中文 zhōngwén Mandarin
- 02.2020 Lifecyclemanagement semantic
- 01.2020 ISMS semantic
- 11.2019 Data center operation ITIL and BSI compliant
- 10.2019 Semantics introduced, repository and frameworks set up
- 09.2019 Enterprise Wiki, container technology, farm technology introduced
- 08.2019 BSI GK transformation
- 01.2019 entire fleet 100% electric CO2 contribution
- 08.2018 BPMN and DrawIO as CNA (Cloud Native Application)
- 07.2018 Guest lectures HS Aalen CNA process management on 27k4you platforms
- 05.2017 ITIL V4 transformation
- 04.2017 Founding of 27kcloud as MSP
before 27kcloud
- Dipl. Ing. Claus Schönfelder managing director of 27kcloud GmbH cs@27kcloud.de Tel +49 162 756 1260
- born March 16, 1959, married, 2 children 33/30 years old
- >40 years of experience in complex critical infrastructures and applications
- Guest lecturer at University Aalen Business process digitization HR based on a semantic Enterprise Wiki collaboration Platform
- Trusted Advisor IT (ITIL, data center, security, processes, RMM, scaling, CNA (web applications), enterprise applications)
- Hobbies: Life balance, family, work, golf (HCP15), half marathon, handball, travel, philosophy, Mandarin, semantics (SMW), ontology, Mediawiki, Simplify Business, electromobility
Short CV
- 2020 Process optimization (BPMN), automation CNA next generation, dynamic instead of static OKR instead of KPI
- 2019 Ontological engineering
- 2018 Portfolio ISMS, TSM, QM, BPM, GPM, BSI, KRITIS, cybersecurity, knowledge management, neural networks
- 2017 Relaunch 27kcloud as MSP managing partner 90%
- 2017 Purchase of RID UG Conversion to 27KCloud UG
- 2017 Founding of the engineering office Digital runway, consulting digitization, knowledge management
- 2012-2017 various CTO jobs in startups, smart technologies, BSI research project
- 2012 insolvency of Acodeas AG (now Arvato AG) and IT-NG caused by shareholder and CFO
- 2006 founding of ACODEAS GmbH in Düsseldorf ITNG ltd and ITNG GmbH board member technology shareholder 50%
- 2006 sale of my ACE GmbH (now Euromicron AG) shares (45 employees, annual turnover of €7.5 million)
- 1996 technology partnership with Cisco Systems
- 1994 founding of ACE GmbH (startup, in the basement) managing partner 50%
- 1990 member of the ITU for telecommunications standardization GSM, ATM
- 1989 USA RTP Durham North Carolina product engineer data analyzer LAN/WAN
- 1985 to 1994 development, product, key account manager at Wandel&Goltermann
- Key customers British Telekom, Alcatel, Telekom, RWE
- national and international (Europe, North America) projects data analysis, simulation, emulation of protocols, state machines
- after studying electrical engineering and communications engineering in NRW
- memberships Bitkom, VDE, IHK digitization Committee